The Power of the Dark Night – Adyashanti

Almost everyone on a serious spiritual journey goes through trying times, inwardly and outwardly, with difficult and dark emotions, often referred to as “the dark night of the soul.” In this cohesive and articulate 90-minute talk, Adyashanti sheds light on several types of dark-night experiences and reveals the hidden power within them. He also distinguishes between these deeply emotional experiences and classical depression.

Topics Include:

  • The Dark Night of the Will
  • An Underlying Sense of OKness
  • The Movement of Universal Intelligence
  • Dying into Profound Simplicity
  • The Dark Night of Love’s Longing
  • The Bright Side of Dark Nights


“You’re being pulled into something deeper. You’re being weaned off of the surface level of ego enjoyment.”

“Whatever wants to reveal itself, you are the conscious presence in which it arises. You are the light that it is seeking. You are what is calling it out of its hiding.”